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- A harsh lesson about growing up
A harsh lesson about growing up
What they don't teach you in school

(Read time: 2 minutes)
Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of Prequel.
An especially big welcome to the 4,109 parents who have joined us in the last week. We remain one of the fastest growing parent communities on the internet 🙌
In case you’re new here, Prequel is the free weekly newsletter for parents who want their kids to succeed. We give you weekly insights on how your children can get ahead ― in school and in life.
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We’ve got lots to tell you, so let’s jump right in. Here’s what you’ll get today:
💡 1 valuable lesson they don’t teach kids at school
⚡️ 2 tutorials for your kids to learn new skills
🚀 3 tools to boost your family’s productivity
💡 1 Valuable Lesson They Don’t Teach You In School
A painful lesson about growing up:
Every few years, the game you're playing in life changes ― and so do the rules.
A lot of people fail to make this mental switch and keep stumbling in life.
Here are some examples:
High School:
The game is popularity, and it pays to be arrogant and cliquey. But when you go into the workforce, the game is cooperation ― being snobbish and cliquey will rub people the wrong way and undermine your career.
The game is compliance. Follow the rules, show up to class, memorize the books, and you're guaranteed success. But adulthood doesn't come with a textbook of clear instructions ― if you can't cope with ambiguity, you're going to have a very hard time.
When you're working alone, the game is maximizing your productivity. But when you're a manager, the game is maximizing your team's productivity. Most managers, especially at the start, fail to adapt to the new rules and settle into mediocrity.
About every 5 years, your kids will be switching into a new game in their life. Their instinct will always be to keep doing what they’re doing. But the reality is that every 5 years you need to teach them to unlearn a lot of the old habits that served them well, and start building new ones from scratch.
A reminder to push your teen’s boundaries
Meet Rhett Jones, a 17-year old building Texas’s best Mountain Biking Park.
He’s secured $40,000 in government funding, locked in a land grant, and is now raising money from investors. Check out his pitch here.
A reminder - there’s no requirement that you have to wait till you turn 18 to solve real world problems and make a real world impact.
A BETA Camp alum, Rhett is no stranger to turning his ideas into reality. If you’re the parent of a teen, check out BETA Camp, where students get a 10 year head start on their future by building a revenue-generating startup.
Virtual info session Sunday, April 2nd.
⚡️ 2 Tutorials To Learn New Skills
🚀 3 Tools To Boost Your Family’s Productivity
Gamma AI: A GPT-4 powered app that can create compelling presentation decks in minutes. With Gamma, you can create engaging presentations, memos, briefs, and docs that are easy to discuss live or share async. (link)
Onesta AI: A finance chatbot powered by AI that can answer questions on investments, budgeting, taxes, and provide access to advisor databases. (link)
Scispace AI: Your personal AI research assistant. It highlights confusing text, math, and tables to get simple explanations. You can also ask follow-up questions and get instant answers. (link)
Thanks for reading!
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